Why does “I talked to Barzini” sound weird?
Why does it sound off? It’s because the filmmakers were trying to create a sense of realism and tension in the scene. In the 1970s, dubbing wasn’t as sophisticated as it is today. Often, actors’ voices would be recorded separately and then synced up later. This can lead to a slight mismatch between the actor’s lip movements and the audio. The sound of Sonny’s punches being dubbed in also adds to the feeling of the violence being visceral and real, even if it’s not perfectly synchronized.
The difference between the scene with Sonny and Carlo and the line “I talked to Barzini” points to a possible difference in how the scene was filmed. It could be that the scene with Sonny and Carlo was filmed with a different camera angle and the audio was edited later, leading to the slight mismatch. The line “I talked to Barzini” may have been dubbed in because it was simply impossible to get a clean recording on set. There could be a multitude of reasons for these inconsistencies. It’s important to remember that *The Godfather* is a movie, and even the most meticulously crafted films have their imperfections. The fact that we can notice these details is actually a testament to the film’s power and the attention to detail that went into its making. It’s a testament to how realistic and believable the film feels, even when there are slight discrepancies between what we see and what we hear.
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